MrBeast’s Cohost Chris Tyson Changed His Name Due to Gender Change

Chris Tyson, a charismatic member of MrBeast Group, shines in online entertainment. With unique content and magnetic charm, he captivates millions.
Chris’s journey of self-discovery led to the realization of her true identity as a woman, and she wholeheartedly embraced the name ‘Kris.’ Embracing her authentic self, Kris fearlessly unveiled her genuine identity to the world, becoming a shining beacon of hope and inspiration for those facing similar struggles.
Utilizing her platform, Kris passionately advocated for understanding and acceptance, touching the lives of countless individuals worldwide.
Her compelling story was featured in an Anthony Padilla Youtube Video centered around personal transformations, resonating with audiences and encouraging them to embrace their own truth and live authentically.

It can be concluded that Chris Tyson has undergone a gender change, resulting in a name change. They have expressed enthusiasm about their new identity and have mentioned calling “di*bs” on it.
Certainly! The statement “Chris Tyson also said in her latest interview, ‘Old Chris Tyson is completely dead, and Kris Tyson is new Chris'” suggests a significant transformation in the individual’s identity and how they see themselves.
Let’s break it down:
- Chris Tyson: This refers to the person’s original name and identity before any changes.
- Kris Tyson: This is the new name and identity that the person has embraced.
- Old Chris Tyson is completely dead: Kris no longer identifies with their previous identity as Chris Tyson. They may have felt that their former self no longer represents who they truly are.
- Kris Tyson is new Chris: Kris sees their new identity, Kris Tyson, as a version of themselves that aligns more closely with their true self.
Gender Change
Chris Tyson, a (born july 1 1996) 26-year-old social media influencer and childhood friend of MrBeast, publicly came out as bise*ual in November 2020 during the lead-up to the US presidential election.
This announcement about their se*ual orientation was made approximately two and a half years before they shared their gender journey. In April 2023, Chris Tyson also revealed their identification as non-binary and announced that they had started hor*mone replacement therapy (HRT).
Responding to a tweet asking “w*t*f happened” with two different images of Chris,
the YouTube star responded by saying “HR*T, and it’s only been 2 months.”
Also Read: Chris Tyson, MrBeast Sidekick, Reveals Gender on Social Media!
The announcement of Chris Tyson’s identification as non-binary and their decision to undergo hor*mone replace*ment ther*apy (HR*T) garnered attention and had some impact on social media platforms.
TikTok, for instance, removed several transphobic videos about Chris Tyson after their announcement of starting H*RT. It’s worth mentioning that their openness about their gender journey and HRT was met with both support and criticism.
As he says in a tweet: “You all heard me call di*bs!!
(thanks for coming to the stream!!)”
Chris Tyson, cohost of MrBeast on YouTube, recently responded to a tweet inquiring about her appearance change. The tweet contained two images of Chris with a noticeable difference in her appearance.
Chris revealed that he had started hor*mone replacement therapy (HRT) and that it had only been two months since he began. HRT is a medical treatment that involves the administration of hor*mones to individuals whose bodies do not produce enough of them naturally.
Chris’s response indicates that he is undergoing a gender transition and that HRT is a part of her journey.
In addition, shows a tweet from Chris that encourages not letting hate affect them and expresses gratitude to MrBeast for helping so many people.
While this tweet does not explicitly mention the name change, it reflects Chris’s positive mindset and resilience in the face of potential negativity.
Chris New Name Announcement!
Chris is expected to announce their new name in the near future. Chris do not specify the exact timing or details of this announcement, but it suggests that Chris intends to share their new name with their audience or followers soon.
Overall, Chris Tyson’s journey has involved significant personal revelations and expressions of their se*uality and gender identity, including coming out as bise*ual and later identifying as non-binary while also starting hor*mone replacement therapy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
is chris a transgender?

Yes, Chris Tyson, a collaborator of MrBeast, has shared their experience with hor*mone replacement therapy and discussed their gender identity on social media.
They use all pronouns according to their verified Twitter account, and their identity is described using they/them pronouns for consistency.
can a transgender legally change their gender?
Yes, transgender individuals can legally change their gender in many countries, but the specific procedures and requirements vary depending on the jurisdiction.
why chris become transgender?
Chris from MrBeast has identified as gender non-conforming and has struggled with gender dysphoria for many years. While it has not been explicitly confirmed whether they identify as transgender, Chris has undergone hor*mone replacement therapy (HRT) and described it as life-saving.
Transitioning can alleviate gender dysphoria, and Chris has received both support and criticism following their announcement. It is important to respect their self-identified gender and their personal journey.

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Thanks and Regards
I’m sorry but if a person is transisitioning you do not call them by their old pronouns…. SHE is changing HER name, SHE has been on HRT for 2 months
He literally says use any pronouns in his bio…
Society as we know it is ruined. People have grown weak and nothing is being said about it. I’m not saying to “embrace masculinity” but something needs to be done or society won’t be able to function.
Just let trans people exist. It won’t “end society” or whatever. Grow tf up
Stop being a retarded transphobe its cringy💀
This is disgusting. Chris is awful. I unsubscribed to Mrbeast for this. There are two genders. You can’t change your gender. You are who you are, and you can’t change it.
That’s the most stupid comment I’ve ever seen. They didn’t even change. They were born and boy so they are still a boy no matter what they say.
I’m so happy for her! I’m so glad to see they are finally living his life as themselves:3 it makes me rlly happy to see other trans ppl thriving:D
Thriving? How do know they are thriving? A shocking percentage of people that transition go on to have mental health difficulties. Changing the hormone balance in your body can be dangerous. It amounts to self harm in some causes. The culture today amazes me. There is so much focus on being authentic when society is more fake than it has ever been.
No. Studies have shown that mental health issues increase when treatment is denied. Mental health issues decrease as the desired gender affirming care progresses. The real truth is out there, you just have to stop getting your info from actual Nazis, LMAO.
Congrats to them for being able to come out!
You can really tell who is uneducated by who’s calm or not
If my father comes out I’ll ask him where he’s been hiding the last 20 years
I’m so happy for Chris! From what I’ve seen in recent videos and pics, they look so happy. Personally I think they look cute af too
I don’t know what I’m gonna do anymore because of this…
I respect you, I just respect you
One more, Mr Beast went from destroying laptops, to curing blindness, to giving away his credit cards. Now hes making transgenders. Well then.